Advantage Programs can make you wealthy! Profit from our success!
If you are a web site owner - regardless of its structure, and whether it is an e-shop, an entertaining portal or just a personal homepage - you've got a real chance of making money here and now.
There is no easier way to earn a lot with very little effort.
It is very simple. You place our ad, which is provided by us, on your web page and that's it! Now you can go back to work or take a break. Every time your site's visitor buys an application from us you get richer. You make about 20% on each sale.
WHY are we THAT confident?
Again, it's very simple. When you are better off, we profit from it! The experts will be working for you,
all around the world. We know how money is earned!
Finally, there is a single most important consideration:
The online store distributes translation and study software developed by LingvoSoft specialists,
as well as software applications made by other well-known developers. LingvoSoft software with its new speech
recognition and text-to-speech technologies has no analogues, substitutes and, therefore, there are no competitors!
Talking dictionaries, localization packages, text translation software for all standard platforms -
we've got it all covered.
We offer three cooperation programs to choose from.