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Software for Windows

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FlashCards Phrasebook
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Voice Interpreter Picture Dictionaries
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Irregular Voice Verbs Talking Idioms
Speed Reading Crossword

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Translation Software > Software for Windows

Software for Windows

Machine Translators
Picture Dictionary software
Language Learning Software
Speech Interpreters
Handheld Emulators
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LingvoSoft Suites for Windows turns your laptop or desktop PC into the most effective language tool around. The three seamlessly integrated programmes that make up this remarkable collection are sure to answer all your language learning and translating needs. Bringing together LingvoSoft’s award-winning bi-directional translating Dictionary with the fun and effective FlashCards learning game and a massive PhraseBook, it’s an unbeatable combination at an unbeatable price. Comprehensive, convenient and affordable.
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Windows Dictionary software applications give you advanced linguistic solutions. We use the text to speech and speech recognition technologies to make our software fully suit your purposes. These products turn your desktop computer into effective and reliable tools for translation and foreign language learning.
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LingvoSoft FlashCards is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Your language of choice can be studied using this handy application right on your desktop PC or on your laptop. Never be stuck at the airport or in a waiting room with nothing to do! Cease the opportunity to acquire a new language while you pass the time!
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The LingvoSoft PhraseBook for Windows is part of the unique suite of language learning applications for your PC. It instantly translates nearly 14,000 travel-oriented phrases and is available in both talking and non-talking versions. Specifically developed to assist anyone who wants to learn a foreign language or improve pronunciation, simply install it on your computer to begin practicing thousands of foreign phrases organized into 15 topics for easy browsing.
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Machine Translators
The Windows machine translation system is here to cut down on your work load! Use our Language Translation Software to translate paragraphs and even large documents. The Promt application will process documents in sheer seconds. Use our Full Text Translation Software to get coherent and readable texts.
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Picture Dictionary software
Picture Dictionary software makes communicating in a foreign language as simple as pointing at a picture. With thousands of colorful pictures at your disposal, the unique interface provides the perfect way to be understood in almost any situation – even without any prior knowledge of a foreign language.
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Language Learning Software
This software category includes language learning software titles for Windows. Memorizing words and improving your spelling turn into a fun game. Thousands of words can be practiced with a simple click of a button. Have an easy time learning and enjoy the friendly language exercises we have developed for you.
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Speech Interpreters
This Windows software application features our remarkable Speech Recognition engine - the most advanced technology enabling your desktop to carry out the voice recognition function, i.e. to understand texts pronounced by you and to perform translation tasks with it. Once this software is installed, your computer will turn into an advanced voice language translator.
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Handheld Emulators
A Dictionary Emulator for Windows is a software prototype of the most recent and advanced hardware dictionaries. These applications have all of the features of the handheld models with the exception of voice synthesis/speech recognition. Through the software emulators users can evaluate linguistic capabilities of handheld models before deciding on a purchase.
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Software Bundles
Designed to provide you with the full range and benefits of the exceptional Windows software titles available for a particular language, these software bundles offer great value for money. Comprehensive and robust, these combinations will allow you to increase efficiency and accomplish more - whether it be doing business, visiting a foreign city or learning a new language.
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